Minoru review

They (correctly) say the proof of the pudding is in the eating and so the proof of the sewing must be in the wearing. After wearing my Minoru jacket almost everyday for two weeks here are my thoughts about it.

So what is great about it? It has kept me nice and dry in the wet autumn weather, looks good and the lining still makes me smile. It looks good with trousers and jeans and also looks good with my black cord skirt (another well worn garment). I’m feeling the chill wearing it now when I am outside, but it is the perfect thickness to avoid overheating on the tube or while digging.

The not so good is the hood – remember when I made my toile and the hood came down to my chin? Well I adjusted the pattern to make it slightly smaller. I totally forgot that my head moves when I walk, and if it rains I tend to keep my head down. The hood fits perfectly when I am standing up straight, but when I am huddling in the rain my fringe gets wet! Oops, should have stuck to the pattern!

I have worn it so much already, the time spent seems totally worth it. If you are going to spend weeks on a make, it should be something you can use all the time. With this thought I am thinking about making another coat! I don’t need one so this is just in the planning stage, but the idea is no longer scary as I know the time investment will be worth it. Any pattern recommendations?

3 thoughts on “Minoru review

  1. Proof of the sewing quote, that is well put. I’ve got a pattern idea. Vogue 8841. Lined coat, no buttons, or darts, has trench coat draping/style. Very easy but sophisticated. It’s on my list. I’d love to see what you do with it.
    Let me know if you do it!

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